Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Celebrate with us!!

Hello family and friends,

In less than one year, what was once bare land here in Sinaloa, Mexico, 14 hours south of Nogalas, Mexico, now has an agriculture training center/church/community center, weekly cooking classes and church services, pastor's house, greenhouse, orchard and garden.

We enjoyed harvesting most of the garden last week (and watching the people of the church enjoy their harvest) and we are getting things ready to do it all over again. . . . only this time . . . the pastor is taking over!! Two weeks ago he announced that he feels trained and ready to begin teaching his people!!

Your partnership in this ministry has produced sustainable agriculture education for this pastor and impoverished community that can provide food for families generation after generation. You have made this work possible! Thank you!! Please watch the slideshow to your right (now updated with harvest photos) and celebrate with us what God has done, and see the fruit of your generosity.

Your Partners in Christ,

Marco and Jennine Varlesi and family
Agriculture Missionaries

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Passing the Torch

Rains not typical for this time of year along with an abundance of sunshine did wonders for the garden this month! The garden took off, and the church is already harvesting beans, cilantro, beets and squash. The first tomatoes and peppers can also be seen. Papaya and orange trees have a good start and are growing tall and strong. The pastor and his wife moved into their new house. This month we have enjoyed the fruit of our labor!!

Special blessings:

We saw our first bee in the garden.
A team came to help build the greenhouse and gather more horse manure and "garbage" aka compost materials.
The pastor announced last week that he is ready to begin teaching seminars.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pest Management

We found the nasty culprits!! And nasty they are . . . these cucumber beetles or squash beetles like to eat the leaves of squash, cucumber, and melon plants and lay their eggs at the base while the larvae eat the fruit! We have managed to fight many of them using organic methods such as soap/oil sprays, neem and trapping, though you can see the damage one small squash suffered in this picture. Just in time for teaching pest management. :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February Progress

The church has enjoyed a harvest of green beans and cilantro, though we're fighting a nasty cucumber/squash beetle. We are using various organic methods to fight them. Although they are eating the leaves of the bean plants, they are not damaging the beans. The cilantro is beautiful as well!

Friday, January 15, 2010

January Progress

God continues to provide for this project. The garden is growing along with the pastor's excitement for the garden, ministry, and his soon to be completed home.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bio Intensive Garden Beds

2009 Project recap:

In April, Marco visited the site of the current agriculture training center in Sinaloa, Mexico. For three years the pastor had prayed for agriculture help. He had a yet to be fulfilled vision of a field of watermelon growing on the church property. God answered his prayer for help, and our prayer for land for the training center.

In the summer of 2009, God provided a building with an adjoining kitchen to hold church services, cooking classes, community events, and agriculture classes. Since that day, church services are held every Sunday and Thursday and cooking classes every Wednesday.

September saw the addition of fill to raise the land, and our arrival in Sinaloa, Mexico.

In October, we excavated, removed debris, and began composting in a big way! We collected a couple thousand pounds of compost materials at a time!!

November was the start of the agriculture training classes and the first planting.

December was a big month as we helped move the pastors house to higher ground since it was sitting in a flood zone in addition to continuing with agriculture training.

January's plans include building a greenhouse, adding bio-intensive garden beds, and teaching a 10 week health class.

Thank you for the opportunity to extend our hands as you extend your hearts to reach the impoverished for Christ through agriculture!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Miriam's story

This month USAID reports, “Prompted by rising food prices in 2008, riots and demonstrations erupted in over 40 countries around the world. Unable to afford adequate food, many of the poor in these countries and others are at higher risk for malnutrition . . . [food security] depends on agriculture to provide sustenance, incomes and livelihoods for the world’s rural poor - 2.1 billion living on less than $2 per day.
Food Security by USAID http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/agriculture/food_security.htm 12/2009

Miriam is a young wife and mother who attends sustainable agriculture and cooking classes at the agriculture training center in Sinaloa, Mexico. She walks almost 1 hour each way with her 7 month old baby to attend classes. At her home, she is now growing cilantro, tomato, onion, jalapeno, bean, squash and melons. This Christmas, Miriam is grateful to have learned of God’s love and provision for her as she has learned a way to provide for her family.

The agriculture training center is in need of your help to continue bringing life changing principles to impoverished communities. To contribute, click the donate button to your right, or email for an EFT authorization form. Would you consider becoming a monthly contributor?